Mini Ministry of the Future

Self-initiated, in partnership with the Board of Government Advisors and Dutch Design Foundation, World Design Embassies, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), Interactive Matter, Hugo Nagtzaam

Future thinking • Gamification

Also become Minister of the Future

In the Mini Ministry of the Future you will meet your compatriot from the future. We then invite you to think about their Netherlands, NL in 02100. What do you want the country to look like for generations to come? What decisions will you make as Minister of the Future? The answers from holidays to housing, agriculture and digitalization are included in the Future Workshop of the Board of Government Advisors and in advice to ministries.

The scenarios in this project are based on the Spatial Exploration 2023 of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.

Mini Ministry of the Future at Dutch Design Week ‘23                     Ⓒ2024